Friday, 12 February 2010

Shattered But Blissfully Happy.....

Here are some of my older pieces that I used to make before I started making dolls. For about 12 months all I made was heads and I would advise anyone who is interested in scupting to perfect heads and hands before they contemplate a whole piece.
Any hoooo First Warmest of Welcomes to my new followers and thank you for stopping by and taking an interest in my blog.
Right I am shattered with a capital S and I ache all over. The course was well put together and the teachers were all very helpful and we had some really inspiring guest speakers. My hero of the day today was the Special Ed Teacher an amazing woman who was very passionate about her job and all the children that she worked with.
Why do I ache? Well yesterday afternoon we had a surprise activity with some children, to bluild a 2m tall light house out of newspaper, staples and sealotape. For some reason I gravitated to the smallest group LOL 3 wonderful year 8 boys. We didnt finish, but we had the best fun and I got a lot out of it and I hope they did too. For over an hour we were rolling tubes of paper, getting on the floor, getting in a mess and they didnt moan once. It took me back to the BF days (before fostering) when I used to take a class of 4-7 year olds every saturday morning and have the best fun making and creating.
Now to get to Qualified Teacher Status is going to take me two years, starting from September so I will still be working on my minis in the mean time. Its going to be hard work and the journey will be a tough one but I have a huge hole that needs filling and I know that teaching will help me to fill that hole. I have a big empty right now and its time to get back to doing what I love.
Right back in Mini making mode tomorrow and real life.


  1. Duh I didn't even know this blog existed.

    Sounds like you are having fun with the teaching. 2 years will fly by and before oyu know it you'll be back doing what you love xxx

  2. me too Tallulah!
    good idea to keep the tips & tricks on another blog....much easier to find
    I still own your best head methinks.... I luf Pook :o)

  3. Debiekins how have I missed this blog?????????????
    I'll add it to my Mini Links immediately..LOL
    I Love your Brooches Debie, such wonderful little faces. xxxx

  4. oh my, I'm as guilty as the rest of this lot and I totally missed your tutorial blog! I've added you straight away! good luck with your teaching career!


  5. Those are the card soldiers! I've never seen alice in wonderland miniatures anywhere! miniature dollhouse for your alice in wonderland pieces
